Portraits VI Cleopatra built like a smooth arrow or a fleet pillar is eaten by yesterday she was a silver tube of wise lust whose arms and legs like white squirming pipes wiggle upon the perfumed roman strength who how furiously plays the hot sweet horrible stops of her body Cleopatra had a body it was thick slim warm moist built like an organ and it loved he was a roman theirs was a music sinuous globular slippery intense witty huge and its chords brittle eager eternal luminous firmly diminishing have swoopingly fallen svelte sagging gone into the soaring silence (put your smallest ear against yester- day My Lady hear the purple trumpets blow horses of gold delicately crouching beneath silver youths the leaneyed Caesars borne neatly through enormous twilight surrounded by their triumphs and listen well how the dainty destroyed hero clamps the hearty sharp column of Egypt ,build like a fleet pillar or a smooth arrow Cleopatra is eaten by yester- day) O i tell you out of the minute incessant Was irrevocably emanates a dignity of papyruscoloured faces superbly limp the ostensible centuries therefore let us be a little uncouth and amorous in memory of Cleopatra and of Antony and we will confuse hotly our moreover irrevocable bodies while the infinite processions move like moths and like boys and like incense and like sunlight and like ships and like young girls and like butterflies and like money and like laughter and like elephants through our single brain in memory of Cleopatra while easily tremendously floats in the bright shouting street of time her nakedness with its blue hair (all is eaten by yester- day between the nibbling timid teethful hours wilts the stern texture of Now the arrow and the pillar pursue curiously a crumbling flight into the absolute stars the gods are swallowed even Nile the kind black great god) Cleopatra you are eaten by yester- day (and O My Lady Lady Of Ladies you who move beautifully in the winds of my lust like a high troubling ship upon the fragrant unspeaking ignorant darkness of New Lady whose kiss is a procession of deep beasts coming with keen ridiculous silks coming with sharp languid perfumes coming with the little profound gems and the large laughing stones a sinuous problem of colour floating against the clever deadly heaven i salute you whose body is Egypt whose hair is Nile) put your ear to the ground there is a music Lady the noiseless truth of swirling worms is tomorrow